Discussion Forum


Patient-Ventilator Asynchrony - review article

By: Marcelo Alcantara, Médico - 07/22/2018 10:57

We recommend the article published ahead of print by Holanda et al in the Brazilian Journal of Pulmonology.

It is a review article on Patient-Ventilator Asynchrony.

You can access it by clicking on the link below, it is an open source journal.

Patient-Ventilator Asynchrony - Review


This article reviews the literature on the types and causes of PVA, as well as the methods used in its evaluation, its potential implications in the recovery process of critically ill patients, and strategies for its resolution.

In addition, it offers the reader 9 figures of ventilator curves constructed with the xlung simulator and one important comprehensive table that, together, address the issue on how to assess and treat the most common problems of patient-ventilator asynchronies. 

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