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Image challenge: A woman with pneumonia and interesting radiological findings

By: Marcelo Alcantara, Médico - 01/25/2019 17:47

A woman, 37 yo, with fever, dyspnea in the past two weeks that became worse and with hoarseness and dysphagia one day before hospital admission.

The patient had hypoxemia necessitating oxygen, and the chest x-ray is shown below.

Which radiologic findings can you identify?

What are your diagnostic impressions?

What treatment is recommended?


Érica Aline Andrade Santos, MD, resident in Pulmonology*

Nahme Nicolau Nagib Karbage, MD, resident in Internal Medicine*

Ricardo Coelho Reis, MD, MSc, Supervisor of the Pulmonology Program*

Marcelo Alcantara Holanda, MD, Ph.D, Professor of Critical Care and Pulmonology at the Medical School*


*Hospital Universitário Walter Cantídio, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Fortaleza, Brazil

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