
This simulator is focused on fundamental concepts for health care professionals' basic formation, such as respiratory physiology emphasizing: gas exchange, respiratory mechanics, work of breathing and acid-base balance through virtual simulation.

The simulator works on the following operating systems: Windows XP, or higher, as well as Mac OS X 10.9.4 (Mavericks) or higher and requires an internet connection.

For the best experience we recommend the latest version of the following web browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari. We are also working on a mobile version.

plans from

$ 33.68
  • Monthly

    $ 44.90

    Equivalent to $1.50 a day

  • 6-Months

    $ 224.50

    Equivalent to $1.25 a day

  • 12-Months

    $ 404.10

    Equivalent to $1.11 a day

By subscribing to one of our plans you gain access to the xlung virtual online simulator, developed to help teaching mechanical ventilation